3 Ways A Creative Consultant Can Help Punch Up Comedy Scripts

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Interior Design Tips: Set the Mood Using Color Psychology

I studied psychology in college, but my true passion has always been art. After I earned my bachelor's degree, I decided to start an interior design business, and I soon realized that I could put my psychology knowledge to good use when helping my clients makeover their homes. Before we choose the color schemes for each room, I love teaching my clients about color psychology and how much the colors we choose to use in each room can affect their moods and the moods of their family members when they are inside of them. When I notice clients are tense, I suggest they stay away from reds in their room designs and integrate calming blues. I decided to create a blog to share many more of my design tips, and I hope you can put my tips to good use when decorating your home! Enjoy reading!

3 Ways A Creative Consultant Can Help Punch Up Comedy Scripts

1 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you watch the credits of a movie, you will often see the title of "Creative Consultant". The term seems vague because the role serves many purposes, but almost always has to do with the screenplay. If you've written a comedy screenplay, then the use of a creative consultant for movies will help punch up the script in many ways.

Learn how a comedy creative consultant can help improve a comedy script and make a big difference in all forms of production.

1. Joke Punch Ups

One of the key ways a creative consultant will help with a comedy screenplay is through a process known as the joke punch-up. The consultant will read through the script to understand the story and the characters. Their second read-through will purely focus on the jokes of the film.

The punch up process could include adding jokes to the movie, changing jokes for comedic timing, or expanding the joke. For example, after a character delivers a punchline,  a consultant could add an extra line which adds another layer to the joke and helps garner even bigger laughs.

The key to the joke placement is ensuring the jokes stay true to the characters and also fit into the story. Along with individual jokes, a creative consultant for movies may have whole set-piece ideas. The set-piece can help change up the plot and provide more comedic options for a character to thrive.

2. Plants & Payoffs

A key element to any film is having plants and payoffs within a story. A plant is an idea, plot point, or prop set up early in the movie and paid off later down the line. In a comedy movie, you can use plants and payoff to tie in the overall story and provide laughs.

A creative consultant will help flesh out the plants and payoffs to provide surprises, funny moments, and ways for characters to connect throughout the movie.

3. On-Set Production

Even after the screenplay is locked and production has begun, a creative consultant provides valuable help on the movie set. For example, a joke that read well in the screenplay may not translate well on the screen. While on the set, a consultant will work with directors and producers to brainstorm new ideas and pitch alternative takes.

Even if the production goes well, the consultant may be used to provide extra jokes or one-liners to try out. All of the elements will help elevate the comedy and provide the best chances to create laughs.

A creative consultant for movies is a way to brainstorm and elevate any project you have in the works.

For more information, reach out to someone like Robert O'Twomney.