Picture And Word Combinations To Have Professionally Framed

About Me
Interior Design Tips: Set the Mood Using Color Psychology

I studied psychology in college, but my true passion has always been art. After I earned my bachelor's degree, I decided to start an interior design business, and I soon realized that I could put my psychology knowledge to good use when helping my clients makeover their homes. Before we choose the color schemes for each room, I love teaching my clients about color psychology and how much the colors we choose to use in each room can affect their moods and the moods of their family members when they are inside of them. When I notice clients are tense, I suggest they stay away from reds in their room designs and integrate calming blues. I decided to create a blog to share many more of my design tips, and I hope you can put my tips to good use when decorating your home! Enjoy reading!

Picture And Word Combinations To Have Professionally Framed

19 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

It's relatively easy for any individual to print a picture at a local store and buy a frame to suit it, but if you have an ambitious framing project that you're thinking about, getting help from a professional is your best bet. One reason to use a framing service is to have a picture framed alongside of some words. The framer can present you with a number of different options for this idea, as well as show you past work for other clients so that you can spot a design that you like. Here are some ideas of picture and word combinations that you might want to get framed.

A Musician And Song Lyrics

If you're an avid music fan, you may have a number of favorite performers whose lyrics you find particularly poignant. Different people celebrate their favorite lyrics in a number of ways, and you might want to entertain the idea of printing the lyrics to the song or even writing them out by hand. You can then find a suitable picture of the performer and take both of these elements to your framing professional to get them framed together.

A Politician And A Famous Quote

Perhaps you've a politics buff who carefully studies different political figures and their speeches. If so, you almost certainly have some favorite political leaders and know the content of the speeches that they've given. Another custom framing idea to entertain is to obtain a headshot of the political figure in question — it could be someone who is currently in office or a historical figure — and a copy of one of his or her speeches. This can be an ideal combination of things to frame together and hang with pride in your home.

A Family Member And Words Of Wisdom

Perhaps you have a family member who has recently passed away, and you're looking for a way to honor not only his or her memory, but also the many lessons that this person imparted to you and your loved ones. A suitable framing idea is to choose a good photo of the person — perhaps a candid photo or maybe a formal portrait — and then begin to compile some of this person's famous words of wisdom. You might even seek the advice of your fellow family members in an effort to recall as much of this person's wisdom as possible. Select your favorite words of wisdom, write them out carefully, and get them framed alongside the picture.

Contact a company that offers framing services to learn more about your options.