Loved One's Birthday Coming Up? Two Unique Gift Ideas That They're Sure To Love

About Me
Interior Design Tips: Set the Mood Using Color Psychology

I studied psychology in college, but my true passion has always been art. After I earned my bachelor's degree, I decided to start an interior design business, and I soon realized that I could put my psychology knowledge to good use when helping my clients makeover their homes. Before we choose the color schemes for each room, I love teaching my clients about color psychology and how much the colors we choose to use in each room can affect their moods and the moods of their family members when they are inside of them. When I notice clients are tense, I suggest they stay away from reds in their room designs and integrate calming blues. I decided to create a blog to share many more of my design tips, and I hope you can put my tips to good use when decorating your home! Enjoy reading!

Loved One's Birthday Coming Up? Two Unique Gift Ideas That They're Sure To Love

12 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If a beloved friend or family member's birthday is coming up, you may be a little lost about what gift to give them. You don't want to give them a run-of-the-mill present, but you find yourself stuck when it comes to brainstorming the kind of present that will make them light up. Instead of racking your mind trying to come to a gift conclusion, use this information to learn more about two unique gifts that your friend is sure to love.

Give Them A Hand Painted Portrait

The first gift idea is one that shows just how special you think the recipient is: a hand painted portrait. Having a portrait done of the person you care for is a long lasting way to show them how much they mean to you.

Hand painted portraits are extra special for a number of reasons. Unlike things such as clothing, shoes, accessories, or even electronics, a properly maintained hand portrait can last for quite some time. If it is commissioned from the right artist, you could be looking at a gift that the recipient is even able to pass down to their children. You can take it up a notch by enclosing the portrait in a beautiful, ornate frame that is either done in their favorite color or that matches the general decor of their home.

If you don't happen to have a picture of them on hand, don't fret. You can visit one of their social media pages to save a copy of a picture that they've posted there and give it to the artist. Conversely, if the individual doesn't engage in social media, invite them over for coffee or lunch and casually ask if the two of you can take a picture together. This is a discrete way to get the image you need.

Purchase A Month Of Fresh Flowers

Another great gift idea is to purchase a month of fresh flowers. This is a service offered by a number of floral companies wherein they will deliver fresh flowers to your loved one's home or office on a daily or weekly basis for a full month. Few things can be as beautiful as receiving flowers. The colors and smells are intoxicating and they can truly brighten up a space.

Getting a unique and personalized gift for the one you love doesn't have to be difficult if you just know what to do. The next time you need to purchase a gift for someone special, remember these tips so you can do it right.